Sunday, March 26, 2006

No mud was slung by me

It was time for the first race of the season - the infamous Mudslinger. Now there hasn't been much mud around here in Bend, since it's hidden by all the snow we've had in the last month, but over there on the West side of the mountains, supposedly they have rain and a good helping of muck. So eager for an early season mud-bath, I signed up for the race.

I was eager to fly the bright colors of the Web Cyclery race team, and I was going to kick ass because I've been on my mountain bike....uh... once in the last 5 months. Ok so I was going to suck wind a bit, but so what it's all fun and games until the EPO kicks in.

Normally I would show up at the race site the day before, do a lap of the course, and scope out some short-cuts (just kidding:). But I decided to just get up at 5am on Sunday, and scoot on over, getting there with at least an hour to spare. The plan was looking good until this happened on Saturday.

Just a minor setback, I'm sure it will all melt off in a few hours. But no, it kept coming down, and got colder. But being the eternal optimist, I got all packed up the night before, and bolted out of bed at 5am as the alarm went off (I don't think I've used an alarm in years). Checked the road report, and noticed there were all these blue diamond icons on the mountain pass roads, which meant severe weather, chains recommended, etc. Now I am somewhat of a Gilles Villeneuve in the snow, but I didn't see how I could maintain the required 65 mph average through that stuff to get there on time...

So I was LAME!, and went back to bed. Then went out later and did some intervals on the road bike, and coughed some strange stuff out of my lungs.

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