Monday, June 19, 2006

Race Report : Humbug Hurry-Up

This race with a wierd name is a must-do on my list, so even though I would be pretty sacked from the 42-mile race in Bend the previous day, I decided to give it a go. I would take it easy, and strap on my helmet cam to get some cool video footage. If you haven't read my entry from last year about this race, I'll just say it's a classic, with all the elements that make for a great experience : swoopy fun single track to start off, then a 1500 foot climb of forest road with some single track thrown in here and there, a plateau section at the top with amazing views, then a steep loose descent they call 'The Chute' [they say it with reverance, but for anyone who's descended Rock'n'Roll in Squamish it's rather tame], followed by a long section of razor-thin trail that hugs steep hillsides all the way to the bottom. You do this twice, and then there's a mile long flattish section to the finish line, where you can get into those fun give-it-all-you've-got battles with other riders doing the same.

This Northern California race would mark the start of a 2-week family vacation in mostly Southern Cal. We hit the beautiful and private Tree Haven campsite, NE of Yreka along the Klamath River, around dusk on Saturday. Hopes of a good night's sleep were dashed when our air mattress sprung a leak. Tried to fix it with some bike tire patches, but it didn't work out. Then out came the duct tape, and I crafted a huge solid patch which I thought for sure would hold - but the damn air just kept worming its way through. So a mostly sleepless and uncomfortable night - I think I had maybe an hour's solid sleep. Well at least I wasn't hung up about doing well in the race :)

Did virtually no warm-up before the race - trying to conserve energy - and got the helmet cam all wired up. We started lemans-style, and I loped along robotically to my bike, trying not to gyrate the camera too much. Stayed near the back as the riders surged ahead, deciding to keep a steady pace rather than initiate a go-for-broke start. After a few minutes, I realize I don't feel too bad, and start passing people here and there. On the long climb up, I keep waiting for some system malfunction, but it doesn't happen. I'm going along at what feels like 90-95% normal pace. But feel the effort exponentially increase everytime I do a small surge, so keep it steady. Do the awesome downhill, and start up lap #2. Still feeling pretty good - this is great ! - who'd have thunk it ? Am constantly switching the vidcam on/off, and frequently interviewing people as I ride beside them. In the last lap I yo-yo with this DeSalvo guy, who wastes me on the climbs, but I blast by him on the downhills when I catch him up. After the last downhill, there's a mile and a half of flat before the finish. He surges ahead here, while I decide to conserve energy, realizing I only have enough for probably a 30-sec to 1 minute attack at the finish. Coming into the roped off finish area, I see him just ahead, and go for broke. Less than 200 feet to go, and I blow by him on the inside and carry it to the line. I manage to finish just off the podium in 4th. Awesome, now let's get into vacation mode!

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